Stapelia is a Succulent NOT a Cactus
Up until a few days ago, I would have told you Stapelias are my favorite cactus. However, during my research for this post I learned something surprising: Stapelia is NOT a cactus! I repeat, the Stapelia plant is not a cactus. After all these years of having this plant and raving about it to people, just imagine the sound of tires screeching as my brain came to a halt... Whaaat? Not a cactus?! No way. As you can imagine I quickly stumbled into an internet rabithole of information in search of the truth. Now that I've cleared that up, let me just say that there is a great deal of m isunderstanding and misinformation out there on the wor ld wide we b, the internets is a free-for-all where everyone and their gra n dma can write whatever they want about anything . For the most part, wherever yo u see "Stapelia" you see "cactus." It's for this reason that I am trying to be as accurate as possib le when discus...